Why Semantics Matter in the Modern Data Stack

David P. Mariani, CTO & Founder of AtScaleĀ Ā 

modern data stack whitepaper


Make Ai And Bi Work At Scale

Download now to learn how organizations can provide business users with more meaningful analytics experiences by formalizing a semantic layer within a modern, cloud-oriented data stack.

The term the ā€œModern Data Stack,ā€ describes architectures that address the challenge of connecting cloud-managed data to the business users who derive value from it.

This whitepaper explores the role of the semantic layer in the modern data stack and discusses how it can become a hub for leveraging active and passive metadata to optimize analytics experiences, improve productivity, and manage cloud costs.

Download now and learn about:

  • Where the semantic layer fits in the modern stack
  • Implementing a universal semantic layer strategy as a set of coordinated services as described by a Andreesen Horowitz research on the modern data stack
  • The semantic layer as a new center of “knowledge gravity” within the data and analytics stack

About the Author

David P. Mariani, CTO & Founder of AtScale

Dave is the founder of AtScale and is the Chief Strategy Officer. Prior toĀ  AtScale, he was VP of Engineering at Klout & at Yahoo! where he built theĀ  worldā€™s largest multi-dimensional cube for BI on Hadoop. Mariani is a BigĀ Data visionary & serial entrepreneur.

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