How to Deliver Self-Service Analytics on Snowflake Using a Semantic Layer and LLMs


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Learn how to integrate Snowflake’s data platform with AtScale’s Semantic Layer and Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance self-service analytics capabilities.

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You’ll walk away with actionable insights to harness the full potential of this innovative approach. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your data strategy and stay ahead in today’s dynamic data landscape.

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In this Tech Talk, we’ll cover:

  • The Foundation of Data Management: Learn from Alex Ross, Senior Solutions Engineer at Snowflake, about the fundamentals of an efficient data platform.
  • Introduction to Semantic Layers: Discover how a semantic layer can simplify data accessibility and enhance business insights with Dave Mariani, CTO at AtScale.
  • Power of LLMs in Analytics: Delphi Labs will present a live demonstration of how LLMs integrated with a semantic layer can revolutionize data interaction.
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Who should watch

This webinar is designed for those eager to streamline their analytics processes and make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently.