AtScale + Looker
AtScale is a semantic layer for BI and Data Science on cloud data platforms. When you combine Looker’s modern approach to dashboards and data visualization with AtScale’s leading semantic layer, your BI and data science teams get access to “live” cloud data in the tools of their choice.
One Version of the Truth
Build and manage a universal set of business-oriented data models that establish a single source of truth for all data consumers. Leverage a no-code modeling environment to natively generate LookML for integration with Looker. Extend a semantic layer to reach beyond Looker to leverage a consistent view of metrics in other tools such as Excel.

Live Connections to Cloud Data
Deliver lightning fast performance to live cloud data sets with no extraction of data ingest. Powerful query virtualization and AI-driven cloud orchestration take full advantage of modern cloud data platforms while optimizing resource consumption and performance for BI use cases. Deliver secure, governed access to cloud data.