AtScale + Superset Integration
AtScale functions as a semantic layer for BI and data science on cloud platforms. By combining SuperSet’s modern and open BI tools with AtScale’s sophisticated semantic layer, teams can easily access live cloud data within their preferred environments.

Fast Queries on Live Cloud Data
With AtScale, Apache SuperSet connections run as efficiently as data extracts, allowing for live, interactive querying regardless of the data’s size or location. Users can analyze billions of rows without moving data, making it simple to integrate new sources while avoiding the need for manual coding or ETL operations.
A Unified Source of Truth
AtScale enables the creation of standardized, business-focused data models that provide a single source of truth for all users. These reusable and easily accessible models help improve data literacy and support self-service BI. This ensures that business data is visible across SuperSet and any other BI tools.

Real-Time Access to Cloud Data
With AtScale, you can achieve lightning-fast performance on live cloud datasets without requiring data extraction or ingestion. By leveraging advanced query virtualization and AI-driven cloud orchestration, AtScale optimizes the performance of modern cloud platforms, enhancing resource efficiency for BI tasks while maintaining secure, governed data access.